We are driven by our passion that Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy will be within the reach of every one that needs the benefit of the oxygen revolution can render in India - Bird J.K

Our Hyperbaric Chambers are

Profitable to your Center & Affordable to your Patients

* Pre-sales consultation * Site Planning * Training prior to installation * On-site post installation orientation * After sales-service programme

Cell: 9769 484 123 (or) 9769 006 123 Tel: 91-22-65 655 123

Email: indiahbot@gmail.com/info@indiahbot.com

www.indiahbot.com www.indiahbot.blogspot.com

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

India Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Chamber ( HBOT Chamber ) at affordable prices. 
 Cell:    9769 484 123 / 9769 006 123      Tel: 022- 65 655 123 
Email:   indiahbot@gmail.com /  info@indiahbot.com  visit:  www.indiahbot.com   www.indiahbot.blogspot.com


Acute carbon monoxide poisoning
Relieve hypoxia; hasten elimination of CO; antagonize brain lipid peroxidation.
Acute Exceptional blood loss anemia
Increase physically dissolved oxygen; treat hypoxia; support marginally perfused tissues.
Acute thermal burns
Relieve hypoxia; decrease fluid losses; limit burn wound extension and conversion; beat edema; promote wound closure.
Cerebral arterial gas embolism
Overcome free gas volume; relieve hypoxia; antagonize leukocyte mediated ischemia – reperfusion injury.
Chronic osteomyelitis
Agument host antimicrobial defenses; induce angiogenesis; potentiate leukocyte superoxide and peroxide production; relieve hypoxia; augment antibiotic therapy; extend postantibiotic effect; augment osteoclast activity.
Clostridial gas gangrene
Reduce size of gaseous bullae; inactivate clostridial alpha toxin; inhibit alpha toxin production; induce bacteriostasis; potentiate leukocyte superoxide and peroxide production.
Compromised skin flaps
Support marginally perfused/oxygenated tissues; antagonize ischemic-reperfusion injury; accelerate angio-genesis.
Crush injury; acute ischemic
Provide interim tissue oxygenation in relative states of ischemia; reduce edema; reduce compartment pressures; antagonize ischemic-reperfusion injury; augment limb salvage.
Decompression sickness
Overcome free gas volume-induced ischemia; relieve hypoxia; hasten elimination of offending inert gas; treat edema.
Late radiation tissue injury
Re-establish wound oxygen gradients; relieve hypoxia; induce angiogenesis; prepare for definitive coverage.
Late radiation tissue injury prophylaxis
Re-establish wound oxygen gradients; induce angiogenesis prior to surgical wounding.
Necrotizing soft tissue infections (fasciffis and cellulitis)
Induce bacteriostasis of anaerobes; potentiate leukocytic superoxide and peroxide production; relieve hypoxia; more closely demarcate potentially viable tissue.
Non-healing hypoxic wounds
Re-establish wound oxygen gradients; relieve hypoxia; reduce edema; induce angiogenesis; correct diabetic-induced leukocyte changes; prepare for definitive coverage.


  • Gas Gangrene * Non Healing Wounds, Ulcers, Diabetic Foot  *Burns  *Air and Gas Embolism *Blast Injuries *Deep Vein Thrombosis *Frostbite *Peripheral Vascular Ulcers-Arterial (Atherosclerosis), Decubitus (Bed Sores), Neuropathy Related (Diabetes), Various (DVT) *Burgers Disease
  • Acute and chronic stroke *Vegetative Coma following closed head injury *Cerebral edema due brain tumours * Trauma and toxic encephalopathy * Multiple Scelorosis * Migraine * Cluster Headache *Cranial Nerve syndromes like Trigeminal Neuralgia, Optic Neuritis, Sudden Deafness *Brain stem syndrome *Retinal Artery occlusion 
  • Crush Injuries *Compartment (Clostridial) *Myonecrosis (Clostridial)  *Acute and Chronic Osteomyelitis, *Acute Necrotizing Fascitis * Bone Grafting *Tendon and ligament injuries *Amputation Stump infections etc *Fracture /Non Union *Oedema Under Cast 
  • Poisioning-Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen Sulphide, Peyote & Cyanide *Near Drowning, hanging, Electrocution *Ileus * Exceptional blood loss-anaemia *Decompression Sickness *Pseudomembranous Colitis *Rheumatoid Arthritis (Acute) *Sickle Cell Crisis and Haematuria *Myocardial infarction *Post Cardiotomy Low Output Failure *Immune System Enhancement *Peptic Ulcers
  • Diabetic Retinopathy *Retinal Vein Thrombosis *Retinitis Pigmentosa *Retina Artery Occlusion *Toxic Amblyopia *Corneal Disorders *Glaucoma *Neovascularisation of Retina *Vascular Insufficiency
  • Compromised Skin Flaps and Grafts *Speed Healing With Less Scar
  • Sudden Deafness * Acoustic Trauma *Meneire’s Desease * Chronic Lyringitis
  • Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (Lyells Syndrome) * Lepromatous Leprosy * Refractory Mycose
Ask us for further information on each indication  
Bird Medical Devices, Bombay, India
Email: indiahbot@gmail.com / info@indiahbot.com Call: 09769 484 123 / 9769 006 123  Tel: 91- 22- 656 55 123
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The content and information provided within this site is for informational and educational purposes only. Consult a doctor before pursuing any form of therapy, including Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. The Information provided within this site is not to be considered Medical Advice.